Creating GitHub website

Local Annotation Server

Creating Github site and hosting annotations

This application allows for the site to be hosted on GitHub pages. Unfortunately new annotations can not be created using GitHub pages without deploying the flask application to a remote server. There are instructions on how to do this with Heroku here.

New annotations can still be created and shared by using the Vagrant instance to create annotations on the local machine and pushing the changes to GitHub. This section give instructions on how to create a GitHub pages site. The options are forking or cloning. Choose one. There are multiple options to cater to comfort level. All git commands are done in the command line.

Forking or templating - Best if you haven’t created anything locally that you want to save

  1. Login into Github account.
  2. Navigate to
    • Click the Fork button to keep the repository name annotate
    • Click the Use this template button (should be green) to rename the repository something other than annotate. If you preform this step make sure to follow the steps for renaming the repo before proceeding.
  3. After forking the site, go to the Settings tab.
  4. Scroll down to the GitHub Pages section
  5. In the Source dropdown select “master branch”
  6. Click “Save”
  7. Follow the directions in Running Locally section

Cloning - Best if you have created annotations locally that you want to save.

  1. Clone site
    • git clone
  2. Create new repository on GitHub
    • This can be done by logging into GitHub account and pressing New button
  3. Remove origin
    • git remote rm origin
  4. Point to new origin
    • git remote add origin<username>/<reponame>.git
  5. Push to repo
    • git push -u origin master
  6. Go to the repo page, and click on the Settings tab.
  7. Scroll down to the GitHub Pages section
  8. In the Source dropdown select “master branch”
  9. Click “Save”
  10. Follow the directions in Running Locally section

If you have changed the repo name from annotate to something else

  1. Go to _config.yml file.
  2. Replace baseurl with /<reponame>