If the collection is not posts, define the collection in the _config.yml file. The example below uses two collections:

  • people: the files are in a _people folder.
  • works: the files are in the _works folder.

It also sets a permalink for the path of all items in the folders relative to the collection’s directory

        output: true
        permalink: /people/:path
        output: true
        permalink: /works/:path


Setting up the lunr settings requires a good grasp on your data. In collections, you define which collections will be indexed. This must be a list even for a single collection.

  - people


Fields defines the fields which get indexed. Each field entry has three required and two optional fields:

  • searchfield is the field used in the search form. It should be one word.
  • boost which determines how important a match in lunr is. Learn more about lunr boosts.
  • jekyllfields is also always a list even if a single Jekyll field. This is the field in the markdown file. It allows for multiple fields to be searched in a single search field. For example, searching name will match the query against the preferredName and the variantNames see full example
  • facetfield (optional) has a value of true if used. If set as true, it will create a facet in the search interface for the field. (These are ethnicities, occupation, cities, and counties in the demo)
  • widget (optional) type of cleaner for complex data. It can require more data based upon the type of widget. See section below for information on widgets.

Widgets for complex fields

There are additional fields called widgets for more complex data. They are not needed for Jekyll fields that are strings or lists of strings.

Nested widget

The nested widget takes a complex field. The example below is the most complex instance that will work with the nested widget.

It would also work if wlCity was not in a list. It requires the field parentfield. In the example below the parent field would be “workLocations” and the jekyllfields would be wlCity and/or wlCounty.

- wlCity: Owego
  wlCountry: United States
- wlCity: Washington D.C.
  wlCountry: United States
  - boost: 5
    jekyllfields: [wlCountry, wlCity]
    parentfield: workLocations
    searchfield: worklocations
    widget: nested

Flatten widget

The flatten widget takes a complex field like the one seen below. This will get the values in dictionary.

 - Author 1
 - Author 2
 - Content Updater 1
  - boost: 1
    jekyllfields: [contributions]
    searchfield: author
    widget: flatten

Relational widget

The final widget is relational widget. This piggybacks on traditional database structures.

It requires two other fields:

  • collection: This defines the collection which has the relational data.
  • matchfield: This is where the collection’s slug will be located.

If that is nested a secondaryfield is available but not required. The example below shows the snippet of text targeted in a works file. The contributorId corresponds to the P000004.md file. The works file has a field named contributor which is a list and the slug is located in the contributorId field. If there is a match if will pull out the jekyll fields in the work field for indexing.

preferredName: Loa to Divine Narcissus
- El Divino Narciso
- contributorId: P000004
  contributorRole: Author
  - boost: 10
    collection: works
    jekyllfields: [preferredName, variantName]
    matchfield: contributor
    searchfield: works
    secondaryfield: contributorId
    widget: relational

Display fields

The displayfields key defines a list of fields that will display in the results page. You can add multiple fields.

  • field: REQUIRED. Defines what field is being displayed. It can be a Jekyll field or if a widget has been used on a search field, the search field can be used as the for the field value.

  • headerfield: REQUIRED. Should only get instantiated once. The value is true. The label field does not apply.

  • headerimage: Optional. Adds a thumbnail image to the search results if the record has one. Either a HTML link to the image or the URL to the image. Both will work. The value is true

  • contentfield Optional. By default the content field is a 100 words of the ‘content’ section of the Jekyll markdown. This can be overwritten by setting the contentfield to true.

  • label: Plain text label which will display in the information table. This should be entered in the singular form. If the results are plural it will add an s to the label. This can be overwritten with the plural field, in which you can define what the plural version of the label is.

  • joiner: Joins multiple results with whatever is the field. By default it is ', '.

  • conditional: The results will only appear if there is a match in that field, option is true. Additionally, for multiple results the results can be truncated in the table by a number. Conditional example

  • truncate: Truncates a list of options at a number of results. If used for the contentfield it will truncate to the number of words. See occupation field for truncate example

  • highlight: By default, matches in results get highlighted. In order to override this section, set highlight to false.

  - field: preferredName
    headerfield: true
    highlight: false
  - field: variantNames
    joiner: '<br>'
    label: Variant Name
    truncate: 3
  - conditional: true
    field: works
    joiner: '; '
    label: Building
  - field: content
    contentfield: true
    highlight: false
    truncate: 20
  - field: ethnicity
    plural: Ethnicities
    label: Ethnicity
  - field: imagesrc
    headerimage: true
    highlight: false

An excerpt field also get automatically generated. To hide the field, add the following to the CSS:

.excerpt {
  display: none


atozsortfield is the field the sort by ‘name’ field sorts on. This will sort the field from atoz. If you want to add more options for sorting this will be the secondary field that will be sorted. For example, in this demo we added a sort by birth year. Élisabeth Sophie Chéron and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz have the same birth year. To provide some structure they get sorted by birthyear and then their preferredName (the atozsortfield). This should be a single string field, not a list.

  atozsortfield: preferredName


fuzzysearchfields should be fields that have an input not a drop-down search field. This basically says any of these fields do not have to match exactly, otherwise . This sets the editDistance for lunr fuzzy-matches to 1. editDistance is also 1 for the query field. Otherwise the search will expect an exact match. An searchfields in this list will do a fuzzy match. This must be a searchfield value from the fields settings.

  fuzzysearchfields: [name]


view_facets should be a number field. This is an optional field, if it is not set it will revert to the default setting of 4. This determines how many facets are shown, if there are more facets then view_facets the remaining facets will be hidden but can be displayed with the “Show All” button that is automatically generated.


You can store index.js, custom-search.js and lunr.js in a different directory like this:

  js_dir: "javascript"

Full settings example

An example of all these settings can be seen below. An example of it running is here: https://dnoneill.github.io/jekyll-lunr-js-custom-search/demo?name=&ethnicity=

  atozsortfield: preferredName
  collections: [people]
  - {field: preferredName, headerfield: true, highlight: false}
  - {field: imagesrc, headerimage: true, highlight: false}
  - {field: variantNames, label: Variant Name}
  - {field: occupation, joiner: '; ', label: Occupation, truncate: 2}
  - {field: born, label: Birth Year}
  - {field: ethnicity, label: Ethnicity, plural: Ethnicities}
  - {conditional: 'True', field: works, joiner: '; ', label: Work}
  - boost: 10
    facetfield: true
    jekyllfields: [ethnicity]
    searchfield: ethnicity
  - boost: 10
    jekyllfields: [preferredName, variantNames]
    searchfield: name
  - boost: 10
    facetfield: true
    jekyllfields: [occupation]
    searchfield: occupation
  - boost: 1
    jekyllfields: [content]
    searchfield: description
  - boost: 1
    jekyllfields: [contributions]
    searchfield: contributor
    widget: flatten
  - boost: 10
    facetfield: true
    jekyllfields: [wlCity]
    parentfield: workLocations
    searchfield: cities
    widget: nested
  - boost: 10
    facetfield: true
    jekyllfields: [wlCountry]
    parentfield: workLocations
    searchfield: countries
    widget: nested
  - boost: 10
    collection: works
    jekyllfields: [preferredName, variantName]
    matchfield: contributor
    searchfield: works
    secondaryfield: contributorId
    widget: relational
  fuzzysearchfields: [name, birthplace, residences, worklocations]
  view_facets: 5