
Created an application that creates a GitHub workspace(s) for each user to create annotations on images without having to spin up an annotation server.


Created application to process AVPD materials. Workflows tests AV materials to see if they are silent. If they are not it will create automatic captioning for the AV material. It also will create sprites, and a poster for the AV material. Additionally, it adds an interface to edit captions and a viewer for all material in a player.

Local IIIF Annotation Server

Created Local IIIF Annotation server for users to be able to create annotations. Also integrated IIIF JavaScript library for viewing created annotations.

Getty Research Portal

Ingest contributor data into Getty Research Portal; added IA Bookreader to book page; next record button; integrated AAT terms to search; built Virtual Collections front and back end.

Nuxeo Scripts

Rewrote Nuxeo ingest script and wrote Nuxeo download script.